How Powerhouse is transforming
MakerDAO's decentralized operations

Powerhouse is streamlining MakerDAO's operations by reducing information complexity and providing clear transparency reports.


Reducing information overload

Decentralized organizations often appear chaotic and confusing for outsiders and even contributors. Powerhouse helps MakerDAO stakeholders to save time by easily finding the information that is most relevant for them.

  • Financial transparency reporting standards for contributor teams and recognized delegates.
  • Providing the tools to compile and upload the monthly reports.
  • Helping users to discover the relevant operational platforms and how they relate.

Aggregate expense reporting

Effective decentralization offers a lot of freedom to contributor teams, while maintaining sufficient standardization to make performance evaluation possible. Powerhouse supports MakerDAO in developing these much-needed standards.

  • Financial transparency reporting standards for contributor teams and recognized delegates.
  • Providing the tools to compile and upload the monthly reports.
  • Presenting stakeholders with the aggregated numbers across different dimensions.

Auditing reporting standards

Quality control and auditing are developing areas in decentralized org design that are quickly becoming a key competitive advantage. Powerhouse is working with MakerDAO to design these processes and implement them in the operational platform.

  • Introducing the auditor role for contributor teams to maintain a high-quality reporting standard.
  • Guard the quality of the data with a systematic review process in multiple stages from draft to completion.
  • Keep track of the new activity on the platform to ensure continued review and quality control into the future.

A Deep Dive with Wouter Kampmann

Discover more about MakerDAO, explore the purpose of the Ecosystem Performance Dashboard, and much more.

A glimpse into Powerhouse's next phase

Project Based Workflows

By transitioning to a project-based work model, MakerDAO will optimize resource allocation, effectively utilize the diverse skills of its contributors, and cultivate accountability and result-oriented collaboration.

  • Request for proposals
  • Project and milestone documentation
  • Progress reporting and budgeting

Endgame Operational Setup

Following the ratification of the Endgame restructuring plan by Maker Governance, Powerhouse will support its roll-out. This will transition MakerDAO towards enhanced transparency and operational efficiency.

  • Transition core units to Ecosystem Actors and SubDAOs, helping MakerDAO to focus on its core business.
  • Transitioning from Maker Improvement Proposals (MIPs) to Maker Atlas and the five operational scopes.
  • Supporting the new voting committee structures to improve vote participation.

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